RSA Responsible Service of Alcohol (SITHFAB201) 也就是簡稱的酒類服務證照
需要RSA的職業有(餐飲和旅館業) :酒吧服務員、餐廳服務員、櫃台人員、旅館服務職員
只要你拿的RSA屬於Nationally Accredited RSA certificate(國家認可RSA證書)
你就可以在NT(北領地)、VIC(維省)、WA(西澳)、SA(南澳)、ACT(澳洲首都特區 – 坎培拉)使用
因為NSW(新南威爾斯省)只接受Liquor Administration Board (LAB) certificate
並不接受Nationally Accredited RSA certificate,所以一般RSA無法在NSW使用
另外QLD(昆士蘭)使用的是OLGR RSA,所以一般RSA也是無法在QLD使用的
☞血液酒精濃度 (BAC)
Topic 1: Introduction
Topic 2: Serving responsibility
酒對人體生理上的影響、什麼是BAC、如何換算Standard Drink
利用紅綠燈的Go, Caution, Stop做為是否繼續serving alcohol的依據
Topic 3: Who to refuse
什麼時候該檢查證件、如何判斷證件的真偽 醉對人體生心理上的影響及症狀
如何判斷一個人是否已經醉了 酒館賣酒的條例、神智不清的顧客(Disorderly Patron)、嗑藥問題
Topic 4: How to refuse
再次提及了紅綠燈的Go, Caution, Stop REP原則
Refuse(拒絕供酒) Explain(解釋原因) Pacify(安撫顧客)
Refuse: I’m sorry, but I can’t serve you anymore..
Sorry mate, I can’t do that because..
Explain: It’s our house policy to look after our customer.
If I serve you, I’m breaking the law. I could lose my job.
Without a valid ID, I’m not allowed to serve anyone who looks under 30.
Pacify: I hear what you’re saying, but I have to..
I understand, but I can’t serve you alcohol, how about a soft drink or water.
I understand, but it’s time to call it a night, can I get you a taxi?
Arrange transport (幫他們叫車或請朋友把他們載回去)
Ask to leave (如果喝醉的客人開始不講理,甚至有暴力傾向,必須請他們離開)
Remove from premises (如果客人不願離開,就得下驅逐令啦開門放狗!!!)
Report and record incidents (若發生衝突或是受傷事件都得一一紀錄下來這樣)
What are the things you need to do,
if the customer begins to get aggresive and refuse to leave
(1) Point out the signs
(2) advise them it's against the law
(3) call your manager
(4) call security
►【2】Acceptable ID:
(1)NSW photo card
(2)Proof of age card from another state
(3)Drivers license
►【3】Who's responsible for checking ID?
(1) bar attendants
(2) door person
(3) security
(4) police
(5) OLGR inspectors
(6) RSA marshals
(7) waiter,waitress
►【4】What will the fine for you
Intoxication define - guidelines issued by the dire.
Increase penalties for undergo drinking & intoxication fines up to $11,000
►【4】What's the law said you can't serve to the minor?
The Liquor Act 2007
►【6】Not serving alcohol to
(1) minors (under 18)
(2) intoxicated people
Slow them down by offering food,water, entertainment.
►【9】How will you help intoxicated customers?
Get them a taxi
►【10】Slur words?
(1)Rambling or unintelligible conversation
(2)Difficulty paying attention
►【11】Refuse service you have to tell manager
(1) time of refusal
(2) signs of intoxication
(3) how long they have been in the venue
(4) customer reaction
►【12】Benefits of RSA?
(A)Benefit to community
Reduce violence, crime, car accident,demand for health services; less vandalism
(B)Benifit to premises and staff
Preferred employer, safer workplace, improved image of venue, reduced insurance costs
(C)Benefit to customer
safer environment, more comfortable environment, improved health
►【13】Educational program run in NSW
(1) RBT means you need a plan B
(2) One punch can kill
(3) know when to say when
►【14】Drink promotion?
Happy hours, drinking games, discounted drinks, shooters, encourage intoxication
►【15】What's intoxication?
Speech, balance, co-ordination or behavior is noticeably affected.
►【16】Duty of care to our customer?
►【17】ID must contain?
NOT Birth certofocate, student ID card, Medicare card, credit card
►Legal limit for drinking and driving for most people?
【19】(open/full license) Under 0.05 BAC
【20】(L牌、P牌) 0 BAC
►【21】Refusal of service - the Law requires staff to?
Refused ➔ Ask the patron to leave the venue
Sent them to leave➔ Ensure the customer leave the venue safely
►【22B】Pieces of information you need to gather from the purchaser?
(2)Date of Birth(DOB)
►【23】If a person has been excluded from a licensed premises from either being?
(1) Drunk
(2) Violent
(3) Disorderly
►Standard drinks
Sparkling 1【24】、Wine1【25】、Light beer 0.9、full beer 1.1、fortified wine 1、Spirits 1
►【26A】Training obligations?
All staff need RSA training
►【26B】Record keeping: Incident Register
►【27】Does the license has the obligation to manage the noise? Yes
►【29】Do different venue have different operating hours? Yes
►【30】Harm minimisation?
To provide service of alcohol ina way whichhas minimal impact on the community and the industry
►【31】Effects depend on individual factors?
(1) genders
(3) rate of consumption
(4) other drugs/medication
(5) general health
(6) food intake
►【32】Key government agencies(挑兩個寫)?
(1)Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA)
(2)Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (OLGR)
(3)Secretary, Department of Justice
(4)OLGR inspectors
(5)NSW Police Force
►Slow alcohol consumpton if
(1) They order mutiple drink.
(2) They consumer their drinks fast.
(3)They order more drinks but have not finished their last order.
►If you suspect an ID fake, you must?
(1)Refuse the sale of alcohol
(2)Report the use of the fake IDto your manager
► If you suspect someone is on illicit drugs, you can refuse the patron service of alcohol?
Sorry Sir, I can't serve you alcohol. You're showing signs of intoxications, you have to leave.
I can give you a glass of water and call you a cab.
Licenced premises 經法律許可販酒的場所
Patrons 顧客
Minors 未滿十八歲的青少年
Intoxicated 已經喝醉的人
Sober 不過量飲酒
Spiking 酒裡被下藥
我們上課的Coffee school離service NSW超近,所以我們就捧著火熱熱剛出爐的證書去申請卡片了